T3.7号機のスペックを元に新規フレーム&サスペンションを設計なのですが、今回のT4号機は株式会社CURIOさんとの共同開発。知る人ぞ知るあのベビーカーで有名ですね。CURIOさんとは昨年11月に出展した「Sharing Meetup Tokyo」でご近所ブースだったのがきっかけ。お忙しい中、超タイトなスケジュールにも関わらず引き受けて下さってホント感謝です。
あとは組付け&テスト走行のみと思いきや、発注したパーツの一部がまだ到着していない!間に合うのか?! ドキドキのまま次回へ。
STROKE Cargo Trikeに関するお問合せ、ご質問などはこちらからご連絡ください。
T4.0 Production Story (1)
After completing the front suspension of the T3.7 prototype and getting good results from testing, we could finally go full-steam-ahead into development of the all-new T4.0.
But… despite aiming to exhibit the Cargo Trike at the end of May, for various reasons we could not get started on development until April 1st (more Fool us…). Neither enough time nor an auspicious start.
The T4.0 frame and suspension are based on lessons learned from T3.7, but it is newly developed from the ground up in cooperation with CURIO CO., LTD., better known for baby strollers. Their booth was next door to ours at the “Sharing Meetup Tokyo” last November and we are truly grateful that they could take on this job in the middle of their own busy schedule.
Curio’s office – basically a typical Japanese house, but we like it!
The chief designer on the STROKE project, Takashi Okamoto, thought seriously about getting a CURIO stroller for his own babies… never dreaming CURIO and Envision would end up working together.
CURIO have also developed the (very desirable) long-tail UTILITE bicycle, currently on sale…
…and are working on this “knock-downable” cargo bike!
We loaned CURIO the T3.7 prototype as the reference vehicle.
For T4.0, as everything from the from the frame up had to be designed from zero, there was obviously no way to finish in time without designing and engineering simultaneously. The speed of development soon became apparent as each task was advanced in real time using cloud-based CAD software and chat tools.
With only limited experience in developing pedal-powered vehicles, we were pushed to the limit to prepare all the necessary parts in time and every day felt like a tightrope walk!!
With cloud-based CAD, we had the added speed and convenience of checking progress of the data via smartphone.
Each part progressed rapidly from design sign-off to production. The speed of the craftsmen was something special, too.
The motor bracket also had to be designed and engineered from scratch.
T4.0’s front suspension is based on T3.7 geometry, but much lighter.
Finally, our own all-original frame, taking shape in front of our eyes!!
T4.0 frame together with the T3.7, getting close to completion!
At this point, we were only ten days from the deadline.
All that should remain is assembly and test riding, but some of the parts we ordered had not yet arrived! Did we make it in time?
See the next exciting installment…
Please contact us here if you need more information about STROKE Cargo Trike.