製作者:FALLHART❖ΛTMS @fallhart_nero
【社長Harryのコメント】 Makes me want to get on my (Active Cargo) Trike and ride. Great adaptations for fun on a long trip and fun when you get there. Nice model-making, too. 私の(アクティブカーゴ)トライクに乗って出かけたくなりました。長旅でも、着いてからも楽しめるように、素晴らしい工夫がされています。また、モデルメイキングも素晴らしい。 【スタッフのコメント】 実現可能なコンセプトとして共感の多かった作品です。ヘッドライトがランタンってのも雰囲気あって良いですね。太いリアタイヤがキャンプ仕様感を際立たせてGood! 5号機で是非キャンピング(ツーリング?)仕様を製作してみたいです。
製作者:yakan @feebly_
【社長Harryのコメント】 A vision of tomorrow from a different today, where style comes from fun and practicality. 楽しさと実用性から生まれるスタイルを持つ、異なる今日からの明日のビジョン。 【スタッフのコメント】 鮮やかな赤と白のコントラストと特徴的なフロント部で、オリジナルとは違った未来的な雰囲気に仕上がっているのが非常に面白い。バッテリー周辺のパネルの使い方もクールで、こういうデリバリーバイクが走ってると楽しそうです!
コメント:自分らしくクラシックにカスタマイズ。 仲間と一緒にカッコよくツーリングへ。 (詳細は画像を参照下さい^^ ) STREEKを通じて これから多くのファン(仲間達)と一緒に ツーリングする姿を願い、この1台を届けます^^
【社長Harryのコメント】 I want to get in a time machine, go back 60 years and ride up to the Ace Café on this. タイムマシンに乗って60年前に戻り、これに乗ってエースカフェに行ってみたい。 【スタッフのコメント】 骨太なスタイリングが分かりやすく、素直にカッコいい。細かい箇所も作り込まれていて、日々のモデリング更新を拝見すると胸が熱くなります!!
製作者:popao @popao_twi
コメント:かっこいいSTREEKカーゴトライクをゆめかわカラーにしたらかわいいんじゃないかという心のささやきにこたえました。 ゆめかわユニコーンヘッドランプとゆめかわウイングホイールカバーのみ自作で、他はカラー変更でイメージを大きく変えてみました。
【社長Harryのコメント】 I didn’t see this coming, but I’m glad it did. Spreading happiness one mile at a time. こんなことになるとは思いませんでしたが、嬉しいですね。1マイルずつ幸せを広げていきます。 【スタッフのコメント】 この発想はなかった!!!これこそ娘を乗せたい❣️(子ども用にあっても良いかも)
製作者:スターマイン @starmine555
【社長Harryのコメント】 Now we know what happens to Mad Max when the gasoline really runs out. マッドマックスのガソリンがなくなるとどうなるのかがわかりました。 【スタッフのコメント】 圧倒的な存在感で、このまま映画制作会社に持ち込みたいです笑 大きなカーゴボックスがむしろバッテリーですね。モデルのクオリティーが無駄に凄い!(褒め言葉)
製作者:やっしーちゃんねる @YassyChannel
コメント:富山県の大雪被害を教訓に車が走れないようなところに救援物資を運べるようにというコンセプトで作成しました! ポイントはダウンヒルもこなせるようなリアサス周りと、500mlペットボトル24本運べるばんじゅう2セットの装備です!
【スタッフのコメント】 救援物資運搬専用というコンセプトは実車でもテストしてみたいですね。リアサスペンションのアイデアは個人的に採用したいです。
コメント:203X年 にはこんなSTREEKに乗りたいと思い制作 (詳細は画像を参照下さい^^ ) 子供も一緒に楽しめ超クールでありながら いざと言う時でも万能^^ ポイントは兼用。バッテリー 収納も用意しています。
【スタッフのコメント】 更に小さなモビリティーをお腹に載せるのは面白いですね。複数載せて母艦のような感じにしても楽しそうです。
製作者:スターマイン @starmine555
【スタッフのコメント】5度見しました笑笑 出前機は日本の文化なので、是非STREEK専用を開発したいですね。
製作者:USK(上澄み) @PolDelayLine
コメント:カラーリングはミクチャリことGSRのHMRシリーズっぽい感じに。 カーゴ部分はロックパーツをネオジム磁石で固定できるようにしたので出し入れできます 。
●代表取締役 ハリー・ユーデン
A big Thank You to everyone who entered the STREEK Miniature Contest! Considering the number of entries, the variety was amazing!! Some of the entries are practical applications of the STREEK concept, with modifications to take it to another level. Others are stylish interpretations of the STREEK look, reflecting the dreams of the owner. Then there are the pure fantasy works of art that would bring a smile to anyone who saw them. The ideas are all inspiring for us and have helped us to see the potential of the STREEK concept, and will give us ideas for future versions and one-offs. The contest is over for now, but we hope everyone will continue to think of ways to get the most out of the STREEK concept as we head towards production.
●STREEK企画開発担当 ヲカモト
STREEK Miniature Contest Results!
The “First STREEK Miniature Contest 2021” started out as an exploration.
It was the first time for us to ask people to create their own miniature STREEK Trikes using 3D printing. the entries covered a wider range of themes than we had expected and we had fun going through them. Judging was by Harry, Envision company president, Takashi Okamoto, in charge of STREEK planning and development, and Musica Kotomi, in charge of sales planning. The judges selected five entries, ranging from those that we genuinely wanted to see on the road to those that completely surprised us!
※For publication purposes, some of the images have been cropped.
So, without further ado, here are the prize-winners:
【Grand Prize】
By:FALLHART❖ΛTMS @fallhart_nero
Description:”I want to pack a tent, a chair, a sleeping bag, and add some fat tires so that I can enjoy some rough roads. It would be cool to have a front light that can be used as a lantern.”
【Harry's comment】 "Makes me want to get on my (Active Cargo) Trike and ride. Great adaptations for fun on a long trip and fun when you get there. Nice model-making, too." 【Staff comment】 "This concept has the feeling of a feasible concept. The lantern headlight is a nice touch and thick rear tires emphasize the camping specs. We want to make a camping (or touring?) version of T5."
【Design Excellence Award】A
By:yakan @feebly_
Description:“A futuristic cargo model based on a classic car. The front is equipped with a cold storage compartment, and I used 3D modeling to create TT handlebars to emphasize the aero feeling. Although the finish isn’t perfect due to the limitations of FDM printing, I managed to complete it.”
【Harry's comment】 "A vision of tomorrow from a different today, where style comes from fun and practicality." 【Staff comment】 "The bright red and white contrast and the distinctive front section give the bike a very interesting futuristic feel, quite different from the original, and the panels around the battery are pretty cool too. It will be fun to see these delivery bikes on the road!"
【Design Excellence Award】B
Description:“Customized with an individual classic look. Go touring with your friends in style. (Please refer to the picture for details^^) Hoping to go touring with many fans (friends) of STREEK^^.”
【Harry's comment】 "I want to get in a time machine, go back 60 years and ride up to the Ace Café on this." 【Staff comment】 "The brawny styling is easy to understand, and it's just plain cool. The details are well-crafted, and it was exciting to see the daily modeling updates!"
【Special Project Award】A
By:popao @popao_twi
Description:“I responded to the whisper of my heart that it would be cute to make the cool STREEK cargo trike in Yumekawa colors. I made only the Yumekawa Unicorn headlamp and the Yumekawa wing wheel cover by myself, and changed the color of the other parts to make a big difference.”
【Harry's comment】 "I didn’t see this coming, but I’m glad it did. Spreading happiness one mile at a time." 【Staff comment】 "I never imagined this idea!!! This is exactly what I want to put my daughter on (and maybe even have a kid's version)."
【Special Project Award】B
By:スターマイン @starmine555
【Harry's comment】 "Now we know what happens to Mad Max when the gasoline really runs out." 【Staff comment】 "It has an overwhelming presence, and I want to bring it to a movie production company as it is (LOL). The large cargo box seems more like a battery. The quality of the model is unreasonably awesome! (...that's a compliment...)"
【Other Entries】
By:やっしーちゃんねる @YassyChannel
Description:“Based on the lessons learned from the heavy snow damage in Toyama Prefecture, I created this model to carry relief supplies to places where cars are not allowed to drive! The main points are the rear suspension that can handle downhill riding, and the two sets of bags that can carry 24 500ml PET bottles!”
【Staff comment】 "I would like to test the concept of a dedicated relief goods carrier on a real prototype. Personally speaking, I want to try the idea of the rear suspension."
Description:“This is the STREEK I’d like to ride in the year 203X (see image for details^^). It can be enjoyed together with children and, while it’s super cool, it’s versatile ^^. Battery storage is also provided.”
【Staff comment】 "Storing even smaller mobility devices in the cargo space is interesting, and it would be more fun still to put several of them on board to make it look like a mothership."
By:スターマイン @starmine555
Description:“I couldn’t finish it, but I sent it in with the feeling, ‘half a loaf is better than none.'”
【Staff comment】 "This one caused me to double take LOL. Since delivery vehicles are a part of Japanese culture, I’d love to develop one specifically for STREEK."
By:USK(上澄み) @PolDelayLine
Description:“The coloring is like GOODSMILE RACING’s Mikuchari HMR series. The cargo accessory can be taken in and out because the lock parts are fixed with neodymium magnets.
I want a real one, but it would be difficult to use in my area …”
【Staff comment】 "It's a cool color scheme, fresh and crisp! A difficult combination, but it comes together beautifully."
※This entry was out of eligibility.
●Harry Uden, President, Envision Incorporated
“A big Thank You to everyone who entered the STREEK Miniature Contest! Considering the number of entries, the variety was amazing!! Some of the entries are practical applications of the STREEK concept, with modifications to take it to another level. Others are stylish interpretations of the STREEK look, reflecting the dreams of the owner. Then there are the pure fantasy works of art that would bring a smile to anyone who saw them. The ideas are all inspiring for us and have helped us to see the potential of the STREEK concept, and will give us ideas for future versions and one-offs. The contest is over for now, but we hope everyone will continue to think of ways to get the most out of the STREEK concept as we head towards production.”
●Takashi Okamoto, STREEK planning and development manager
“Thank you to everyone who participated in this project for your fascinating ideas!
It was a challenging contest to customize a bicycle, which has fewer components than other vehicles (and do the 3D printing yourselves), but it was very refreshing to see free ideas that we would never have thought of. I’m sure there will be more interesting ideas to come, so I’d like to hold this contest on a regular basis! If possible, I’d like to make a construction kit so that more people can enjoy it. We’re continuing development of the actual car, so please support us there as well!”
In addition to miniatures, we also plan to display T5 (maybe even a mass-production prototype, if it’s ready?) at Wonder Festival in September. Thank you for your continued support of STREEK!