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T3.7 Production Story (1)
2019 has come around and we have entered the fourth year since the start of the STROKE cargo trike project. We apologize for the slow progress so far but think that we can raise the pace of development this year.
In parallel to the development of the original-from-the-ground-up 4th prototype (T4), we are producing the T3.7 prototype, a highly modified version of the T3.6 prototype. It is designed for testing of the front running gear, so is somewhat “over-engineered”…
…in other words, it looks very chunky, unthinkable for a regular bicycle. However, designed for carrying heavy loads, with electric assist it runs amazingly well. Based on the testing, T4 will feature a much slimmed-down version of the same running gear geometry.
After fabrication, CWF undertook the first trial assembly. The parts have a functional attractiveness in bare metal but they will be painted in understated black before final assembly and, at last, testing! We can’t wait. Although the mechanism looks complicated, it is amazing to see all the parts moving smoothly with no interference.
Testing will focus on the front running gear set-up and we will be posting updates here, so please watch this space.
Please contact us here if you need more information about STROKE Cargo Trike.